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Inner Impressions

Inner Impressions

"Inner Impressions" is an interactive art installation that delves into the realm of emotions, challenging the constraints of verbal communication by capturing the fluidity and complexity of emotional experiences. Utilizing the principles of affective computing, it translates the physiological signals of pulse and skin conductance into the kinetic art of moving water, offering a visceral representation of emotional states. This installation invites participants to engage in a reflective journey, providing a space where the unseen currents of emotion become visible, encouraging a deeper contemplation of how we perceive and express our feelings, fostering a unique connection between the participant and the immersive world of emotional embodiment.


Interative Installation





Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Inner Impressions
Inner Impressions
Inner Impressions